Sacred Smoke
clear, purify, open
Integrate Sacred Smoke into your bathing ritual or sacred ceremonies to clear energy, purify the air and create space to tune in. This harmonious Burn Blend weaves together four sacred plants from around the world. Frankincense, Copal, White Sage and Lavender provide a sweet and earthy ceremonial smoke that will cleanse your space and connect you to Spirit.
Each 1.2oz glass vial of Sacred Smoke contains about 10 uses and comes with a roll of 10 cinders.
Frankincense, Copal, White Sage, and Lavender. All ingredients are organic, vegan and gluten free.
The smoke of White Sage is intended to bless, cleanse and heal. Lavender is used as an invitation to supportive spirits, and a safeguard from negative ones.When burned, Frankincense is said to cleanse and protect the soul, ease depression and promote clairvoyance. Copal resin is thought to purify the energy in the field around you.
Side effects may include: deep relaxation, elevated consciousness and connection with Source. Operating heavy machinery not recommended.
Offer a generous pinch of Moon Bath’s Sacred Smoke over a lit charcoal cinder in a blessing bowl and place on a fire-safe surface near the tub to enhance your bathing experience or sacred ritual.
Pro Tip: Light your cinder in a well ventilated area and set aside for 2 minutes to allow it to fully ignite before adding Sacred Smoke and placing next to your tub.
In the western hemisphere White Sage grows naturally only in Southern California and Northern Baja, Mexico. In many places in Southern California it has been wild harvested to bare survival. We have chosen to work with a small organic farm in Southern California that cultivates their White Sage plants to maturity and sustainably harvests them without further damage to the environment — no plant is harvested until it is at least three years old.